Nutritional Endocrinology Functional Medicine Conference September 12, 2015

Nutritional Endocrinology:  A Functional Medicine Approach to Hormone Balance

with Robert A. Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK

Saturday September 12, 2015

9:30 am – 3:30 pm (lunch provided)

Forest Park Medical Center Auditorium
11990 North Central Expressway
Dallas, Texas 75243

(intersection of 75 & Forest on the southeast corner.  Park by Dougherty’s Pharmacy)

COST:   FMANT Members $40.00       NON-Members $79.00

Receive 4.5 Level 1 CME Credits



Nutritional Endocrinology:  A Functional Medicine Approach to Hormone Balance

IT IS NOW CLEAR that our endocrine system acts as an “antenna” that translates stress into internal signals that directly influence the ways our genes are expressed. Recent scientific advances have led to the profound realization that gene expression is modifiable. The clinician acquainted with the relationship between gene expression, the endocrine system, and overall health will be able to offer patients effective nutritional therapies for the numerous manifestations of lifestyle-induced dysfunction.

Join Dr. Robert Rakowski for an exploration into breakthrough approaches for improving endocrine health. This seminar will redefine healthy endocrine function and will offer truly novel strategies for restoring and enhancing the balance of the dynamic hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal,thyroid and gonadal axes as well as new strategies for insulin and growth hormone.

This seminar will focus on:

  • Introduction and Basic Principles
  • Stress and adrenal dysfunction  
  • Thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity 
  • Male and Female sex steroid imbalances 
  • Insulin and Dysglycemia
  • Growth Hormone and Sleep

After attending this fascinating seminar, you will never look at the endocrine system the same way again, and you will possess a clinical meaningful, easily applied system for improving a wide range of health challenges. 

Attendees will receive:

  •   An extensively researched, clinically useful syllabus.
  •   Breakthrough nutritional support programs for endocrine imbalance
  •   A new perspective on how stress and toxins affect  endocrine function.

Brief Bio

Robert A. Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK is a Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Biological Terrain Instructor, and the clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston Texas. In addition to running a busy practice, Dr. Rakowski has lectured internationally for over 23 years on various topics in Natural and Functional Medicine.   He has appeared on numerous television programs and international radio talk shows.   He is a recognized expert in functional endocrinology and in-office diagnostic procedures to assess nutrition status. His clinical experience ranges from treating elite professional athletes to critically ill patients with a variety of cancers and autoimmune diseases.

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