Functional Medicine Seminar – Microbiome Leaky Gut Restoration of Intestinal Barrier
Functional Medicine Seminar – Microbiome Leaky Gut Restoration of Intestinal Barrier
It has only come to light in the last few years that our microbiome plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of many common diseases and ailments are tied to the microbiome and dysbiosis in the bowel. It is imperative to understand the role of the microbiome, which harbors varieties of bacterial species that influence not only our assimilation of nutrients and calories but plays a more significant role in inflammation, disease processes and chronic disease from autoimmunity, IBS and obesity to depression, anxiety, and neuropathy.
First Speaker: Betty Murray, CN, IFMCP – Vibrant Clinical Labs
Evaluation of the Microbiome with PCR Technology and Parasitology – Beyond Probiotic Balance – Phylum Balance
Click Below for the webinar follow up presentation to the event information from May 20, 2017.
Microbiome Webinar
Second Speaker: Bill Shaddle, Metagenics
Restoration of Intestinal Barrier Function and Reducing Inflammatory Bowel Cytokine Production in the GI Tract
Third Speaker: Jenny Bair, MHE & Betty Murray, Perfect Practice
Work the Winning Formula in Your Business for Better Patient Outcomes and Profit
• This will be a full day event about the science and efficacy for the clinical application of microbiome PCR testing in practice and the latest research in restoring epithelial tissue integrity in the intestines and immune modulation through targeted nutritional supplementation. • The program will end with a targeted segment that will teach you how to implement the clinical labs, supplements and nutritional protocols into the clinical practice and create patient engagement.
Prestonwood Country Club
15909 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75248
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm
COST: $59.00 for FMANT Members and $69.00 for Non-Members