Functional Medicine – An Introduction Event – September 2019

The Functional Medicine Association of North Texas started in 2009 as a grass-roots North Texas non-profit 501C6 organization dedicated to educating and expanding the Functional Medicine movement pioneered by the Institute for Functional Medicine.  We at the Functional Medicine Association of North Texas also want to make functional medicine education accessible and affordable. Therefore, our event and membership fees are nominal compared to other educational events.  All event fees and membership costs go directly to pay the cost of events. The Functional Medicine Association of North Texas is a professional organization for medical professionals, nutritionists and dietitians, chiropractors, naturopaths, acupunctures and allied health professionals. The Functional

Medicine Association of North Texas offers many functional medicine and evidence-based research and clinical implementation education events annually at affordable.

An Introduction to Functional Medicine Event


0830-0900  Arrival, Coffee, Networking

0900 -0910 Welcome and Housekeeping

0915-1015  First Speaker – Introduction to Functional Medicine

    by Dr. Sharolyn Dihigo

1020-1110  Second Speaker –  The Leaky Gut: A Foundation for the Functional

   Approach – Genova Speaker pending

1115 -1145  Morning Break and Vendors

1145-1245  Third Speaker – A Functional Approach to Breast Cancer

by Dr. Margaret Apostle

1245-1300  Conclusion/Evaluations

Reservations Required.

Earlybird Special:

$59 ticket – expires Sept 1


Metagenics, Genova Diagnostics, Evexias Healthcare Solutions, Sativa Springs